kohmann zöllner weiß

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Handgemachte Musik aus dem Westerwald klingt manchmal anders als erwartet:

Mit Saxofon, Akkordeon, Vibrafon und diversen Schlaginstrumenten loten Ingo Weiß, Eva Zöllner und Stefan Kohmann die Grenzen der freien Improvisation aus.

Experimentierfreude, Spontanität, Interaktion und originelle Klangerzeugung gehören zum Handwerkszeug des Trios, das sich, man glaubt es kaum, im Stadtwald nahe Montabaur kennen gelernt hat und seitdem nicht nur das Westerwälder Publikum ins Staunen versetzt.

Ingo Weiß – saxophones
Eva Zöllner – accordion
Stefan Kohmann – vibraphon, percussion

Psycho-Country-Core is an intense result of the acoustic chemistry by Kohmann/Zöllner/Weiß. The three versatile artists had their first and most fortunate musical encounter on a former missile base in the western woods of Germany. Since then, driven by their different musical backgrounds including contemporary and classical music, jazz and free improvisation, they have a blast riding through the atmospheres of multi- layered structures and dense vibrations. The unusual hybrid of accordion, saxophone and vibraphone leads to an exceeding blend of sound and gesture.

contac & booking
psycho-country-core (@) posteo.de


Stefan Kohmann has worked with composers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, Philip Glass and Dieter Schnebel. He has spent his life in ifferent countries (Germany, USA and Oman) and has performed all over the planet, believing that music has no borders.

Eva Zöllner is internationally renowned for her work in the field of contemporary accordion music. She has inspired composers from all ontinents and therefore premiered hundreds of compositions worldwide. Her busy touring schedule endows her with an omadic lifestyle filled with great experience.

Ingo Weiß has digged deeply in the ground of free jazz and has released several remarkable
recordings. Blessed with great ears and a passion for dance and movement, he has developed an exceptional style of playing.